Tuesday, September 9, 2008

News From the Managers

A couple of items of interest that I learned this week when I was speaking with my managers. Establishing and having good relationships with your local managers is important if you are a regular shopper, but even more so if you frequently use coupons. If you don't know the manager (or assistants) at least by face at the store you most frequent I encourage you to say hello the next time you are shopping.

When I was at CVS this week my manager told me that Atlanta will be a test market starting in a couple of weeks. I was not clear on all of the details, but it sounded like the possibility of a different ad schedule and maybe even two ads per week. I have not seen an upcoming ad yet to determine if this is a good or bad thing. I thought I would share this so that you can expect to see some changes coming.

When I did my "Hamburger Helper Transaction" this week, I thought that with 63 coupons my transaction would require an overide by a supervisor, I had the cashier call one of the assistant managers. However, the assistant manager said that he thought Publix had raised the limit of coupons in one transaction to 99 because they were seeing increased coupon useage. I can tell you from first hand experience that the cash register will allow at least 63 coupons in one transaction. Is the increase coupon usage a sign of the downturn in the economy or people becoming more aware about couponing?

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